
Essential skills for jobs in IT

Many people enter the world of IT every year, and with most companies utilising an IT infrastructure of some sort, it’s no surprise to see so many people enrolling on courses to get the right skills for jobs in IT. Whilst some jobs in IT require a degree, other people have found their way into the profession with lower-level qualifications and learned more skills on the job. Many individuals find their way into the profession via an apprenticeship or work based qualifications.

Various roles to consider

There are many roles in IT that can individual can go on to work in. These include technical support officer work, or network management roles. Those who work in technical support roles can expect a varied career which can include everything from working on a help desk to helping staff with their IT problems on a face-to-face basis. People who work in IT need to constantly renew their knowledge base due to the ever-changing world of hardware and software. They need to keep abreast of all relevant changes in the industry and may need to get to grips with new products and programmes as quickly as possible.

Maintaining systems

In order for business operations to be successful, IT constantly has to be maintained. When a problem arises with a server for example, operations can come crashing down, and with a constant reliance on networking being present, a support officer must play their role in getting things up and running again at the earliest opportunity.

Keeping up to date

Some people who have completely unrelated qualifications in terms of IT can still find a way into the industry. They must however find ways of convincing employers that they have the passion and knowledge needed to work in the field successfully. For many, IT is a hobby and many people have a high level of knowledge even without relevant qualifications. For anyone working in IT however, patience and people skills are a must. Technical skills for jobs in IT do need to be constantly renewed however, as technology moves fast and what is heavily-relied upon today can easily be replaced and become obsolete in a very short space of time.

The CWJobs website is constantly updated with relevant and accurate jobs and features. Head there today if you’re interested in skills for jobs in IT.