Despite the recession, demand for IT personnel remains strong and those with a 2nd language are particularly in demand. No industry is completely recession proof, however it would seem that the information technology sector has not suffered as much as many other sectors have. Thevarious IT recruitment specialists in the Uk seem to feel that there is still plenty of work for those with the right IT skills. In fact, many specialist IT recruitment job sites are as busy as they have ever been, and typically have hundreds if not thousands of jobs in their database.
Admittedly, not all of those jobs are UK-based. A significant number of them are from firms, in Europe, who are looking for IT professionals. Given that English is the most commonly used programming language, it is not surprising that European firms choose to advertise their vacancies via British recruitment agencies.
The UK still produces more than its fair share of IT professionals, with many foreign students preferring to study for their degrees in the UK. However, interestingly, the vast majority of the foreign firms who are recruiting in this way still require candidates to be able to speak a second language. This is natural when you consider that whilst the majority of actual programming is done in English much of the communication and implementation has to be done in the language spoken by the vast majority in the firm.
IT professionals have a gift for languages
Fortunately, the vast majority of IT professionals do not find the idea of learning a second language as daunting as the majority of the population. This is because the vast majority of them already spend most of their day, effectively, working in a different language. It may not be a spoken language, but all of the most common programming tasks are done using a specific and structured set of characters, which by any definition is a language.
Across a number of specialist IT recruitment websites it has been noted that there has been an upsurge in second and third languages on the CVs of candidates, as well as more IT professionals being qualified in more than one discipline. The vast majority of people who work in the information technology field seem to realise the need to be flexible and continually grow their knowledge. Something, which is not so widely understood by those who work in other sectors.
Specialist IT recruitment at makes it easy for you to find the right job for your language and lifestyle preferences.