Business Services

Turn up the heat! Solar Panels South Africa from Solaray.

— if you want to cut fuel bills, earn money AND help the environment three- fold with solar panels South Africa and solar water heating then visit Solaray today; THE Solar panels South Africa and solar water heating specialist you can trust for affordability, efficiency and expertise.

If you want to operate an economically- and purse friendly – household as opposed to a financially draining one then solar panel South Africa and solar water heating could hold the key to your money saving potential. Who’d think something so simple and easy could make such a lifelong difference to your everyday life?

But, how do solar panels South Africa and solar water heating from Solaray work? Using the sun’s energy alone to produce hot water, flat plate collectors- patented ‘Solafin’ by Solaray – work by transferring heat from a flat sheet of metal to pipes which run underneath to an energy exchanger. The collected water from the solar panels South Africa and solar water heating systems is stored in a cylinder for household use when required. Solaray prides itself in offering customers their very own Solafin flat panel solar panels South Africa and solar water heating systems suitable for a range of needs developed during liaison at every stage of the production process. So, for solar panels South Africa and solar water heating, there is no reason to look any further than Solaray.

Whatever the setting, solar panels South Africa are advantageous to both you and your organisation.

Domestically, electrically heated water costs forms the major component of your electricity bill and can be cut using solar water heating and solar panels South Africa and, the payback period can be as little as 2-3 years, just as efficiently as it can be industrially, commercially or agriculturally. The positive connotations of solar panels South Africa really are ALL- encompassing.

Solar panels South Africa and solar water heating: with Solaray, slash the costs for today and tomorrow…

Solar Panels South Africa from We are a leading South African supplier of Solar Water Heating for the best online prices– Visit us today for more information!