Transportation and Logistics

Car Hire Edinburgh Airport

Every year hundreds of thousands of people avail themselves of a car hire Edinburgh airport service. Since its opening, the airport’s passenger numbers have steadily grown and now they are handling around about 9.4 million every year. A large percentage of these passengers need a hire car. They are in luck because there are eight major car hire firms based at the airport to choose from. In theory, they all offer the same kind of service. However, as with most things, in reality some offer better value for money than others. For this reason, it makes sense to do a little bit of research and shop around for your car hire. Fortunately, using the internet doing so does not take long and is a relatively easy process.

Researching Car Hire Edinburgh Airport

Simply key in the search term ‘car hire Edinburgh airport’ and hit enter to get started. All of the companies that operate directly out of the airport have their own website. On these websites, you can check out the selection of cars they have to offer and the terms and conditions they offer them under.

Take the time to compare the service each has to offer. If you need extras such as child car seats or sat nav remember to factor this into your research. These extras cost more, but most good firms offer them.

As you go get quotes from each company. Remember to use the same search criteria for each company so that you end up with true like for like quotes. That way you can compare them and find the company that offers the best value for money for your arrival and departure dates.

Booking Car Hire Edinburgh Airport

Before booking your car hire Edinburgh airport package, double-check a few important things. For example, most car hire companies in the UK only offer third-party insurance. This means any damage done to your hire vehicle not involving a third-party will be partly your responsibility. Meaning that you have to pay for some of the damage, how much you pay varies widely between companies. Read the terms conditions in full before actually booking.

Visit the Sixt website today to find out about their wonderful car hire Edinburgh Airport service. They offer a huge range of cars at very good prices.