Fashion & Clothing

Fancy Dress Ideas For Different Times Of Year

Many fancy dress ideas can seem a little stale and old, particularly those that are based around traditional holidays and occasions to dress up like Christmas and Halloween. The best way to combat this however is to give some extra thought as to how the fancy dress outfit can be a little unexpected. For instance, any occasions during the summer might be a great excuse to wear something that suits the sun, like a Viking themed dress. These can be great for couples who may be concerned wearing something that necessitates a little bit of flesh to be shown, making it unsuitable for colder times of year. The same can also be said of Roman fancy dress which can be a little baggy and not really suitable for a colder climate.

Summer can also be a great time for sexier outfits that are more revealing. Arabian fancy dress outfits, French maid outfits, as well as country girl, butterfly, wasp and cat costumes are all great ways to dress in a more revealing way and take advantage of the warmer weather. Nurse outfits are a classic that can be as revealing as is desired. Men naturally have it easier since their costumes are typically cover up more of the body, but there is always application for fire fighter costumes and police costumes that reveal a little more.

Winter on the other hand is a haven for great fancy dress ideas that can keep people warm as well. For instance, medieval fancy dress is usually pretty elaborate and contains many layers. An animal fancy dress outfit that is more like what a mascot would wear is also great for the colder times of year. This is particularly helpful if the party is being spread across town, rather than just in one place.

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