Weight Loss

A Boot Camp Diet Gives Lasting Results

Weight loss retreats are more common that ever today. They are great places for people who have traditionally struggled with their weight or, who have gotten into bad habits in terms of their diet and exercise regime. Spending just a few days at one of these retreats can really help to change outlooks and help people to get back on track with healthy food and exercise habits which will help them to lose weight and live healthily.

Boot Camp Diet

When you visit one of these health farms, you will usually be put onto a special diet which is often referred to as a boot camp diet. This is a diet which is specially designed by nutritionists to help you lose weight.

Some boot camps will tailor each individual’s diet to match their needs and some will offer a standard healthy diet to all participants, which is nutritious and which will aid weight loss. It is often better to opt for places which tailor the diet to you because it will be easier to sustain such a plan once you leave the boot camp, as it will be giving you everything you need to stay healthy whilst dieting.


There are several benefits to doing a boot camp diet at a weight loss retreat. The most beneficial aspect of doing so is that you will have all the support and encouragement of the knowledgeable boot camp staff at your disposal.

As you will have someone watching you and monitoring your progress, you are less likely to stray from your diet and exercise regime and this will lead to some great initial results. As you see the benefits of your new diet, you will be more likely to carry on when you leave.

Good Advice

The boot camp staff will be very knowledgeable individuals who will be able to help you develop a sustainable healthy lifestyle which you can continue once you leave.


Finally, a boot camp diet will give you the motivation that you need to get up, get active and get eating right.


Nu Beginnings is a health retreat and weight loss boot camp in Devon. If you want to kick start your weight loss with a boot camp diet , get in touch with them today.